class OpenshiftCli < Formula desc "OpenShift command-line interface tools" homepage "" url "", :tag => "v1.2.1", :revision => "5e723f67f1e36d387a8a7faa6aa8a7f40cc9ca46" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "d20ef7c33fc7abf164220b9d750dff98b576c37c17da5783fc320dc13e4bd1f0" => :el_capitan sha256 "b076f18b911f07739b5d77394e511eb16df43a78eb1074f350a5c08da930889e" => :yosemite sha256 "561edbcedb37887ccb241c6e415a11c827e44fb99657e73ad7d30857f35fa577" => :mavericks end devel do url "", :tag => "v1.3.0-rc1", :revision => "884520c98e75d0f96e679959b28caf17f0e7fa29" version "1.3.0-rc1" depends_on "socat" end depends_on "go" => :build def install # this is necessary to avoid having the version marked as dirty (buildpath/".git/info/exclude").atomic_write "/.brew_home" system "make", "all", "WHAT=cmd/oc", "GOFLAGS=-v", "OS_OUTPUT_GOPATH=1" arch = MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? "amd64" : "x86" bin.install "_output/local/bin/darwin/#{arch}/oc" bin.install_symlink "oc" => "oadm" bash_completion.install Dir["contrib/completions/bash/*"] end test do assert_match /^oc v#{version}$/, shell_output("#{bin}/oc version") assert_match /^oadm v#{version}$/, shell_output("#{bin}/oadm version") end end