class Ponyc < Formula desc "Object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure programming language" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e65631dbf5418abd465cbd5912794feb61c0db9b76b916b39772ad2f623ad16e" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "545b7e4d34a3591b53cd16e321f2d2d50c94045d688aec2e260b96eeb1802963" => :mojave sha256 "2cbfcf6953ed2577547fe7db3f7ac23513a658415997ab19f370da56fed6d2bb" => :high_sierra sha256 "5d85c1628525faad76cc337b68430f937a3b7afa09da43931bbb60549bb1210c" => :sierra end # # pour_bottle? do reason <<~EOS The bottle requires Xcode/CLT 8.0 or later to work properly. EOS satisfy { DevelopmentTools.clang_build_version >= 800 } end depends_on "libressl" depends_on "llvm@3.9" depends_on :macos => :yosemite depends_on "pcre2" def install ENV.cxx11 ENV["LLVM_CONFIG"] = "#{Formula["llvm@3.9"].opt_bin}/llvm-config" system "make", "install", "verbose=1", "config=release", "ponydir=#{prefix}", "prefix=" end test do system "#{bin}/ponyc", "-rexpr", "#{prefix}/packages/stdlib" (testpath/"test/main.pony").write <<~EOS actor Main new create(env: Env) => env.out.print("Hello World!") EOS system "#{bin}/ponyc", "test" assert_equal "Hello World!", shell_output("./test1").strip end end