# This now builds a version of JACKv1 which matches the current API # for JACKv2. JACKv2 is not buildable on a number of macOS # distributions, and the JACK team instead suggests installation of # JACKOSX, a pre-built binary form for which the source is not available. # If you require JACKv2, you should use that. Otherwise, this formula should # operate fine. # Please see https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/pull/22043 for more info class Jack < Formula desc "Audio Connection Kit" homepage "http://jackaudio.org" url "http://jackaudio.org/downloads/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.125.0.tar.gz" sha256 "3517b5bff82139a76b2b66fe2fd9a3b34b6e594c184f95a988524c575b11d444" revision 2 bottle do sha256 "abc0921ccf479b78ccd3d9ce393290800bed6c059046dc9f42029cc4c954b3ad" => :high_sierra sha256 "abc0921ccf479b78ccd3d9ce393290800bed6c059046dc9f42029cc4c954b3ad" => :sierra sha256 "85a868bc1467309193251f81640e54d91a3ee2369cf83dae2f2e4cca2755dddf" => :el_capitan end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "berkeley-db" depends_on "libsndfile" depends_on "libsamplerate" def install # Makefile hardcodes Carbon header location inreplace Dir["drivers/coreaudio/Makefile.{am,in}"], "/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Headers/Carbon.h", "#{MacOS.sdk_path}/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Headers/Carbon.h" ENV["LINKFLAGS"] = ENV.ldflags system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end plist_options :manual => "jackd -d coreaudio" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} WorkingDirectory #{prefix} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/jackd -d coreaudio RunAtLoad KeepAlive EOS end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/jackd --version") end end