require 'formula' class Opam < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'fe66f5cfc9ffe9f621462e52e17cbb5869de419a' head '' depends_on "objective-caml" def install ENV.deparallelize system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" system "make", "install" bash_completion.install "shell/" zsh_completion.install "shell/" end test do system "#{bin}/opam", "--help" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent OPAM uses ~/.opam by default for its package database, so you need to initialize it first by running (as a normal user): $ opam init Run the following to initialize your environment variables: $ eval `opam config env` To export the needed variables every time, add them to your dotfiles. * On Bash, add them to `~/.bash_profile`. * On Zsh, add them to `~/.zprofile` instead. Documentation and tutorials are available at, or via 'man opam' and 'opam --help'. EOS end end