require "language/go" class Nomad < Formula desc "Distributed, Highly Available, Datacenter-Aware Scheduler" homepage "" url "", :tag => "v0.2.3", :revision => "2977583c78e622ab257ed323ec1bc6cd8b8120dd" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "59cdb99e953fef055974153941688fc53c0552dd6595d104904013f4e108f00b" => :el_capitan sha256 "1958ec999a7ac82b9883b37ef667eaae9dff6c4ed22d5a1298605f8c5426c3d9" => :yosemite sha256 "34d09de2484828cb72d53a98f8ea4f5fd7d77eb26ceacef9d21c1fffaf29ac1d" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" => :build go_resource "" do url "", :revision => "ce433bf86e4d05eeae4276aefc462ec825c2a4f5" end def install contents = Dir["{*,.git,.gitignore}"] gopath = buildpath/"gopath" (gopath/"src/").install contents ENV["GOPATH"] = gopath ENV.prepend_create_path "PATH", gopath/"bin" Language::Go.stage_deps resources, gopath/"src" # explicit install of shirou/gopsutil/cpu to work around error message: # cannot load DWARF output from $WORK/ # decoding dwarf section info at offset 0x0: too short cd gopath/"src/" do system "go", "install" end cd gopath/"src/" do system "make", "bootstrap" system "make", "dev" bin.install "bin/nomad" end end test do begin pid = fork do exec "#{bin}/nomad", "agent", "-dev" end sleep 10 ENV.append "NOMAD_ADDR", "" system "#{bin}/nomad", "node-status" ensure Process.kill("TERM", pid) end end end