require 'formula' def postgres? ARGV.include? "--with-postgres" end def mysql? ARGV.include? "--with-mysql" end def headless? # The GRASS GUI is based on WxPython. Unfortunately, Lion does not include # this module so we have to drop it. # # This restriction can be lifted once WxMac hits a stable release that is # 64-bit capable. ARGV.include? '--without-gui' or MacOS.version >= :lion end class Grass < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '74481611573677d90ae0cd446c04a3895e232004' head '' depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "gettext" depends_on "readline" depends_on "gdal" depends_on "libtiff" depends_on "unixodbc" depends_on "fftw" depends_on "cairo" if MacOS.version == :leopard depends_on :x11 # Patches ensure 32 bit system python is used for wxWidgets and that files # are not installed outside of the prefix. def patches; DATA; end fails_with :clang do build 421 cause <<-EOS.undent Multiple build failures while compiling GRASS tools. EOS end def options [ ['--with-postgres', 'Specify PostgreSQL as a dependency'], ['--with-mysql', 'Specify MySQL as a dependency'], ['--without-gui', 'Build without WxPython interface. Command line tools still available.'] ] end def install readline = Formula.factory('readline') gettext = Formula.factory('gettext') args = [ "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--with-libs=#{MacOS::X11.lib} #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib", "--with-includes=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include", "--enable-largefile", "--enable-shared", "--with-cxx", "--with-opengl=aqua", "--with-x", "--without-motif", "--with-python=/usr/bin/python-config", "--with-blas", "--with-lapack", "--with-sqlite", "--with-odbc", "--with-geos=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/geos-config", "--with-png-includes=#{MacOS::X11.include}", "--with-png", "--with-readline-includes=#{readline.include}", "--with-readline-libs=#{readline.lib}", "--with-readline", "--with-nls-includes=#{gettext.include}", "--with-nls-libs=#{gettext.lib}", "--with-nls", "--with-freetype-includes=#{MacOS::X11.include} #{MacOS::X11.include}/freetype2", "--with-freetype", "--without-tcltk" # Disabled due to compatibility issues with OS X Tcl/Tk ] if headless? args << "--without-wxwidgets" else args << "--with-wxwidgets=/usr/bin/wx-config" end if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? args << "--enable-64bit" args << "--with-macosx-archs=x86_64" else args << "--with-macosx-archs=i386" end # Deal with Cairo support if MacOS.version == :leopard cairo = Formula.factory('cairo') args << "--with-cairo-includes=#{cairo.include}/cairo" args << "--with-cairo-libs=#{cairo.lib}" else args << "--with-cairo-includes=#{MacOS::X11.include} #{MacOS::X11.include}/cairo" end args << "--with-cairo" # Database support args << "--with-postgres" if postgres? if mysql? mysql = Formula.factory('mysql') args << "--with-mysql-includes=#{mysql.include + 'mysql'}" args << "--with-mysql-libs=#{mysql.lib + 'mysql'}" args << "--with-mysql" end system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", *args system "make" # make and make install must be separate steps. system "make install" end def caveats if headless? <<-EOS.undent This build of GRASS has been compiled without the WxPython GUI. This is done by default on Lion because there is no stable build of WxPython available to compile against. The command line tools remain fully functional. EOS else <<-EOS.undent GRASS is currently in a transition period with respect to GUI support. The old Tcl/Tk GUI cannot be built using the version of Tcl/Tk provided by OS X. This has the unfortunate consquence of disabling the NVIZ visualization system. A keg-only Tcl/Tk brew or some deep hackery of the GRASS source may be possible ways to get around this around this. Tcl/Tk will eventually be depreciated in GRASS 7 and this version has been built to support the newer wxPython based GUI. However, there is a problem as wxWidgets does not compile as a 64 bit library on OS X which affects Snow Leopard users. In order to remedy this, the GRASS startup script: #{prefix}/grass-6.4.0/etc/ has been modified to use the OS X system Python and to start it in 32 bit mode. EOS end end end __END__ Patch 1: Force 32-bit system Python to be used for the WxPython GUI. diff --git a/lib/init/ b/lib/init/ index 8c87fe1..2d1a2a3 100644 --- a/lib/init/ +++ b/lib/init/ @@ -27,6 +27,17 @@ trap "echo 'User break!' ; exit" 2 3 15 # Set default GUI DEFAULT_GUI="wxpython" + +# Homebrew Additions: +# +# So, problem with wxWidgets is that the developers have not released a stable +# version that builds x86_64 for OS X. So, in order to use the nice GUI for +# GRASS, we have to ensure the system python is used and ensure it starts in 32 +# bit mode. +export VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=yes +export GRASS_PYTHON=/usr/bin/pythonw + + # the following is only meant to be an internal variable for debugging this script. # use 'g.gisenv set="DEBUG=[0-5]"' to turn GRASS debug mode on properly. if [ -z "$GRASS_DEBUG" ] ; then Patch 2: Remove two lines of the Makefile that try to install stuff to /Library/Documentation---which is outside of the prefix and usually fails due to permissions issues. diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index f1edea6..be404b0 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -304,8 +304,6 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(MINGW)),) -tar cBf - gem/skeleton | (cd ${INST_DIR}/etc ; tar xBf - ) 2>/dev/null -${INSTALL} gem/gem$(GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR)$(GRASS_VERSION_MINOR) ${BINDIR} 2>/dev/null endif - @# enable OSX Help Viewer - @if [ "`cat include/Make/Platform.make | grep -i '^ARCH.*darwin'`" ] ; then /bin/ln -sfh "${INST_DIR}/docs/html" /Library/Documentation/Help/GRASS-${GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR}.${GRASS_VERSION_MINOR} ; fi install-strip: FORCE