class Wrangler < Formula desc "Refactoring tool for Erlang with emacs and Eclipse integration" homepage "" revision 1 head "" stable do url "" sha256 "a6a87ad0513b95bf208c660d112b77ae1951266b7b4b60d8a2a6da7159310b87" # upstream commit "Fix -spec's to compile in Erlang/OTP 19" patch do url "" sha256 "b7911206315c32ee08fc89776015cf5b26c97b6cb4f6eff0b73dcf2d583cfe31" end end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "129a7cacfe094491f22d885546ac36dcdd60c601f391b290970fadbc5777ca22" => :catalina sha256 "6ca8b450fc9c98d43c9e6494bd725d2785ed70f010193237bb34c13f54be7303" => :mojave sha256 "7708561c89c92c61b67907ca43fa351e9a39da572c43e1f9d15d4dc0cd4855da" => :high_sierra end depends_on "erlang@20" def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" system "make", "install" end test do suffixtree = Dir.glob("#{lib}/erlang/*/*/*/suffixtree").shift assert_predicate, :executable?, "suffixtree must be executable" end end