class Libproxy < Formula desc "Library that provides automatic proxy configuration management" homepage "" url "" sha256 "18f58b0a0043b6881774187427ead158d310127fc46a1c668ad6d207fb28b4e0" head "" bottle do sha256 "e2ca77c5398273eb7fd3645eed6f2f393bb78d3cb8f1cbbe66530be6fdc2d92d" => :high_sierra sha256 "2da6c1c16c4d821a03f3af0095e8c083650d8236b2a9a08cb5af1b2b235658a7" => :sierra sha256 "2afb8712e1a562617d7ab8fcd1436290e83f65dd636e1927761d2e9e914879cc" => :el_capitan sha256 "af63072e26e2dd635ff04988d1dbb68e4f83d966aad935a6071072fe22508f15" => :yosemite end depends_on "cmake" => :build # Non-fatally fails to build against system Perl, so stick to Homebrew's here. depends_on "perl" => :optional depends_on "python@2" if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard def install args = std_cmake_args + %W[ .. -DPYTHON2_SITEPKG_DIR=#{lib}/python2.7/site-packages -DWITH_PYTHON3=OFF ] if build.with? "perl" args << "-DPX_PERL_ARCH=#{lib}/perl5/site_perl" args << "-DPERL_LINK_LIBPERL=YES" else args << "-DWITH_PERL=OFF" end mkdir "build" do system "cmake", *args system "make", "install" end end test do assert_equal "direct://", pipe_output("#{bin}/proxy").chomp end end