class Mg3a < Formula desc "Small Emacs-like editor inspired by mg with UTF8 support" homepage "" url "" sha256 "9219953b62e47ccbe2ad464ffc81b6ab3e80c2f2b6d7c11f9c8f655ed240adfe" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "ef97936e888d4bdcc3176fa064e06c1eb698b5d45bff08ec9f22721fcb3f5577" => :sierra sha256 "221e329c44ec1dd3988fb2cb033be3e0043e9114d0eaea38a02b35daeb01ee85" => :el_capitan sha256 "e629714006e001d35b5c5d473b736197a881831c0cc19059dfb6d3c244799095" => :yosemite end option "with-c-mode", "Include the original C mode" option "with-clike-mode", "Include the C mode that also handles Perl and Java" option "with-python-mode", "Include the Python mode" option "with-most", "Include c-like and python modes, user modes and user macros" option "with-all", "Include all fancy stuff" conflicts_with "mg", :because => "both install `mg`" def install if build.with?("all") mg3aopts = %w[-DALL] else mg3aopts = %w[-DDIRED -DPREFIXREGION -DUSER_MODES -DUSER_MACROS] mg3aopts << "-DLANGMODE_C" if build.with?("c-mode") mg3aopts << "-DLANGMODE_PYTHON" if build.with?("python-mode") || build.with?("most") mg3aopts << "-DLANGMODE_CLIKE" if build.with?("clike-mode") || build.with?("most") end system "make", "CDEFS=#{mg3aopts * " "}", "LIBS=-lncurses", "COPT=-O3" bin.install "mg" doc.install Dir["bl/dot.*"] doc.install Dir["README*"] end test do (testpath/"").write <<-EOS.undent #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout -1 spawn #{bin}/mg match_max 100000 send -- "\u0018\u0003" expect eof EOS (testpath/"").chmod 0755 system testpath/"" end end