class PerconaXtrabackup < Formula desc "Open source hot backup tool for InnoDB and XtraDB databases" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e3ec54eb468482503bccdd1619136e798798086042e9eb7c6daa2fb9b78783a3" bottle do sha256 "79fd5cdb7b84795494caf58949bddf8abbbb05eff009d1e56ee31c577ae24a5d" => :el_capitan sha256 "c7f56675e64d5f222ab33cb071c5edba7ca384332ecb8f7933566eb55b0261c8" => :yosemite sha256 "6618802f70e5491736d5a436b74c74f2bf58db9375feee35ec274cb1f8acbba7" => :mavericks end option "without-docs", "Build without man pages (which requires python-sphinx)" option "without-mysql", "Build without bundled Perl DBD::mysql module, to use the database of your choice." depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "sphinx-doc" => :build if build.with? "docs" depends_on :mysql => :recommended depends_on "libev" depends_on "libgcrypt" depends_on "openssl" resource "DBD::mysql" do url "" mirror "" sha256 "b7eca365ea16bcf4c96c2fc0221304ff9c4995e7a551886837804a8f66b61937" end resource "boost" do url "" sha256 "727a932322d94287b62abb1bd2d41723eec4356a7728909e38adb65ca25241ca" end def install cmake_args = %W[ -DBUILD_CONFIG=xtrabackup_release -DCOMPILATION_COMMENT=Homebrew ] if build.with? "docs" cmake_args.concat %W[ -DWITH_MAN_PAGES=ON -DINSTALL_MANDIR=share/man ] # OSX has this value empty by default. # See ENV["LC_ALL"] = "en_US.UTF-8" else cmake_args << "-DWITH_MAN_PAGES=OFF" end # 1.59.0 specifically required. Detailed in cmake/boost.cmake (buildpath/"boost_1_59_0").install resource("boost") cmake_args << "-DWITH_BOOST=#{buildpath}/boost_1_59_0" cmake_args.concat std_cmake_args system "cmake", *cmake_args system "make" system "make", "install" share.install "share/man" if build.with? "docs" rm_rf prefix/"xtrabackup-test" # Remove unnecessary files if build.with? "mysql" ENV.prepend_create_path "PERL5LIB", libexec/"lib/perl5" resource("DBD::mysql").stage do system "perl", "Makefile.PL", "INSTALL_BASE=#{libexec}" system "make", "install" end bin.env_script_all_files(libexec/"bin", :PERL5LIB => ENV["PERL5LIB"]) end end test do assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/xtrabackup --version 2>&1") end end