class ScalaAT211 < Formula desc "JVM-based programming language" homepage "" url "" mirror "" mirror "" sha256 "87fc86a19d9725edb5fd9866c5ee9424cdb2cd86b767f1bb7d47313e8e391ace" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "b448b114a8f51481c2e62d1e3050316856d920a0225a2c4a957a97aca1571205" => :sierra sha256 "b448b114a8f51481c2e62d1e3050316856d920a0225a2c4a957a97aca1571205" => :el_capitan sha256 "b448b114a8f51481c2e62d1e3050316856d920a0225a2c4a957a97aca1571205" => :yosemite end keg_only :versioned_formula option "with-docs", "Also install library documentation" option "with-src", "Also install sources for IDE support" depends_on :java => "1.6+" resource "docs" do url "" mirror "" sha256 "f79180418c9a4827306c2e30d8de451d29daf72ec441e023ae73d25b39b3c0db" end resource "src" do url "" sha256 "4f11273b4b3c771019253b2c09102245d063a7abeb65c7b1c4519bd57605edcf" end resource "completion" do url "" sha256 "95aeba51165ce2c0e36e9bf006f2904a90031470ab8d10b456e7611413d7d3fd" end def install rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"] doc.install Dir["doc/*"] share.install "man" libexec.install "bin", "lib" bin.install_symlink Dir["#{libexec}/bin/*"] bash_completion.install resource("completion") doc.install resource("docs") if build.with? "docs" libexec.install resource("src").files("src") if build.with? "src" # Set up an IntelliJ compatible symlink farm in 'idea' idea = prefix/"idea" idea.install_symlink libexec/"src", libexec/"lib" idea.install_symlink doc => "doc" end test do file = testpath/"Test.scala" file.write <<-EOS.undent object Test { def main(args: Array[String]) { println(s"${2 + 2}") } } EOS out = shell_output("#{bin}/scala #{file}").strip # Shut down the compile server so as not to break Travis system bin/"fsc", "-shutdown" assert_equal "4", out end end