class Mosquitto < Formula desc "Message broker implementing the MQTT protocol" homepage "" url "" sha256 "ca47533bbc1b7c5e15d6e5d96d3efc59677f2515b6692263c34b7c48f33280c5" revision 2 bottle do sha256 "3067a892bccb9675c46ad449f020a5405f9bc6c68cd2abf2fb6399bb04362826" => :sierra sha256 "f208d2a4e29149504bd9f20ea5cc43b856a498323179bef42f3d9bb8c5ccf0bc" => :el_capitan sha256 "9386b2c2a797d66ad5604a0d17cbf47126ed5c4e0865a451bb81b8f7f68e7826" => :yosemite end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "c-ares" depends_on "openssl" depends_on "libwebsockets" => :recommended def install args = std_cmake_args args << "-DWITH_WEBSOCKETS=ON" if build.with? "libwebsockets" system "cmake", ".", *args system "make", "install" end def post_install (var/"mosquitto").mkpath end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent mosquitto has been installed with a default configuration file. You can make changes to the configuration by editing: #{etc}/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf EOS end plist_options :manual => "mosquitto -c #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_sbin}/mosquitto -c #{etc}/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf RunAtLoad KeepAlive WorkingDirectory #{var}/mosquitto EOS end test do quiet_system "#{sbin}/mosquitto", "-h" assert_equal 3, $?.exitstatus end end