class PlayAT14 < Formula desc "Play’s goal is to ease Java web applications development." homepage "" url "" sha256 "b2067f59df5b4c4f9fa542af1f234abd38ac30b5fc8e4e61fb10cfc043c0434c" bottle :unneeded def install rm_rf "python" # we don't need the bundled Python for windows rm Dir["*.bat"] libexec.install Dir["*"] chmod 0755, libexec/"play" bin.install_symlink libexec/"play" end test do require "open3" Open3.popen3("#{bin}/play new #{testpath}/app") do |stdin, _, _| stdin.write "\n" stdin.close end %w[app conf lib public test].each do |d| testpath/"app/#{d}" end end end