class Nailgun < Formula desc "Command-line client, protocol and server for Java programs" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "c487735b07f3d65e4c4d9bfa9aaef86d0d78128e4c055c6c24da818a4a47b2ab" resource "nailgun-jar" do url "" sha256 "4518faa6bf4bd26fccdc4d85e1625dc679381a08d56872d8ad12151dda9cef25" end # This patch just prepares the way for the next one. patch do url "" sha256 "98ca6e740d0814aaf0d2d6594d4a75ca3277d2283eb2d272bae1ba84b3337e8c" end # The makefile is not prefix aware patch do url "" sha256 "8d6c0991d5fd557046a5462b0d59ca52933023082c5faff06ac901ba03e24db1" end end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation revision 2 sha256 "02cf71ea505409aedd24b227d67b91a24dc1c2db040185424081ecfdb07f3382" => :el_capitan sha256 "958b5a30b72b237139cfd7723025f5d9f50f6b6a318fad22c3297f84a48c34eb" => :yosemite sha256 "395c49abe28e79d6171f616b2f0cacc317a95aa09123bdee3eae4df4f3249cff" => :mavericks end head do url "" depends_on "maven" => :build # The -Xdoclint used in pom.xml causes a build error on Java 7 patch do url "" sha256 "b4bc4c33102c42ca5e37d22ad524085ccd33baafd225b9f0bc3b576aa6e8b983" end end def install system "make", "install", "CC=#{}", "PREFIX=#{prefix}", "CFLAGS=#{ENV.cflags}" if build.head? require "rexml/document" pom_xml ="pom.xml")) jar_version = REXML::XPath.first(pom_xml, "string(/pom:project/pom:version)", "pom" => "") system "mvn", "clean", "install" libexec.install Dir["nailgun-server/target/*.jar"] else jar_version=version libexec.install resource("nailgun-jar").files("nailgun-server-#{version}.jar") end bin.write_jar_script libexec/"nailgun-server-#{jar_version}.jar", "ng-server", "-server" end test do fork { exec "ng-server", "8765" } sleep 1 # the server does not begin listening as fast as we can start a background process system "ng", "--nailgun-port", "8765", "ng-version" Kernel.system "ng", "--nailgun-port", "8765", "ng-stop" # ng-stop always returns a non-zero exit code even on successful exit true end end