require "language/haskell" require "net/http" class Postgrest < Formula include Language::Haskell::Cabal desc "Serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database" homepage "" url "" sha256 "64644b38295b46fa0b50172cfcf348fd88a567a24ac1d793f5257f1faa697570" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha256 "5bd9f1127627baeb7bf3cac278103cb6b63256af39fd7bdcc5a7550e64161aaf" => :high_sierra sha256 "42fdf57147e9a959beaab758900462739e9470351b5a11055af00bbe18e03609" => :sierra sha256 "d82e9e4ae9aeebfd7960596ad9ccd4bc3bc4547f57f0473aa3110f9dd52d2df0" => :el_capitan sha256 "8a209377bc643030baded9368b7004238f5ce22fd4f75e69546ce611eb1c9873" => :yosemite end depends_on "cabal-install" => :build depends_on "ghc" => :build depends_on "postgresql" # Fix build failure "src/PostgREST/Auth.hs:54:9: error: Variable not in scope" # Upstream PR from 7 Sep 2017 "Constrain jose to < 0.6" patch do url "" sha256 "ceac606dd91d91daabb53f76e33a147883e79efade9f76345bd96743a6d40877" end def install install_cabal_package :using => ["happy"] end test do pg_bin = Formula["postgresql"].bin pg_port = 55561 pg_user = "postgrest_test_user" test_db = "test_postgrest_formula" system "#{pg_bin}/initdb", "-D", testpath/test_db, "--auth=trust", "--username=#{pg_user}" system "#{pg_bin}/pg_ctl", "-D", testpath/test_db, "-l", testpath/"#{test_db}.log", "-w", "-o", %Q("-p #{pg_port}"), "start" begin system "#{pg_bin}/createdb", "-w", "-p", pg_port, "-U", pg_user, test_db (testpath/"postgrest.config").write <<-EOS.undent db-uri = "postgres://#{pg_user}@localhost:#{pg_port}/#{test_db}" db-schema = "public" db-anon-role = "#{pg_user}" server-port = 55560 EOS pid = fork do exec "#{bin}/postgrest", "postgrest.config" end Process.detach(pid) sleep(5) # Wait for the server to start response = Net::HTTP.get(URI("http://localhost:55560")) assert_match /responses.*200.*OK/, response ensure begin Process.kill("TERM", pid) if pid ensure system "#{pg_bin}/pg_ctl", "-D", testpath/test_db, "stop", "-s", "-m", "fast" end end end end