require 'formula' class Emacs < Formula url '' md5 'a673c163b4714362b94ff6096e4d784a' homepage '' if ARGV.include? "--use-git-head" head 'git://' else head 'bzr://' end def options [ ["--cocoa", "Build a Cocoa version of emacs"], ["--with-x", "Include X11 support"], ["--use-git-head", "Use git mirror for HEAD builds"], ] end def patches if ARGV.include? "--cocoa" and not ARGV.build_head? "" end end def caveats s = "" if ARGV.include? "--cocoa" s += <<-EOS.undent was installed to: #{prefix} EOS else s += <<-EOS.undent Use --cocoa to build a Cocoa-specific EOS end s += <<-EOS.undent The initial checkout of the bazaar Emacs repository might take a long time. You might find that using the git mirror is faster, even after the initial checkout. To use the git mirror for HEAD builds, use the --use-git-head option in addition to --HEAD. Note that there is inevitably some lag between checkins made to the official Emacs bazaar repository and their appearance on the mirror. See for the mirror's status. The Emacs devs do not provide support for the git mirror, and they might reject bug reports filed with git version information. Use it at your own risk. EOS return s end def install fails_with_llvm "Duplicate symbol errors while linking." args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--without-dbus", "--enable-locallisppath=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/emacs/site-lisp", "--infodir=#{info}/emacs"] if ARGV.include? "--cocoa" args << "--with-ns" << "--disable-ns-self-contained" system "./configure", *args system "make bootstrap" system "make install" prefix.install "nextstep/" bin.mkpath ln_s prefix+'', bin+'emacs' ln_s prefix+'', bin else if ARGV.include? "--with-x" args << "--with-x" args << "--with-gif=no" << "--with-tiff=no" << "--with-jpeg=no" else args << "--without-x" end system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make install" end end end