class Flake8 < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "Lint your Python code for style and logical errors" homepage "" url "" sha256 "c379edcba8b53cc119ac782ecb75c35571bfa440248821a1e1a8b012b289c43c" head "", :shallow => false bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "231573129fe27a1410fc69fae3f8a79ef5c12caeadeaef5be082d7c900b46804" => :mojave sha256 "98fea60aab429b968d34de122a29c71138d8c21d980eb02ef8b0d1512b07d67e" => :high_sierra sha256 "dcb1eae5612e7bef8b14f32ddf6c56e4d7adb1cbc8d5ba5e1585f4b5d991cdf9" => :sierra end depends_on "python" resource "entrypoints" do url "" sha256 "c70dd71abe5a8c85e55e12c19bd91ccfeec11a6e99044204511f9ed547d48451" end resource "mccabe" do url "" sha256 "dd8d182285a0fe56bace7f45b5e7d1a6ebcbf524e8f3bd87eb0f125271b8831f" end resource "pycodestyle" do url "" sha256 "e40a936c9a450ad81df37f549d676d127b1b66000a6c500caa2b085bc0ca976c" end resource "pyflakes" do url "" sha256 "d976835886f8c5b31d47970ed689944a0262b5f3afa00a5a7b4dc81e5449f8a2" end def install venv = virtualenv_create(libexec, "python3") resource("entrypoints").stage do # Without removing this file, `pip` will ignore the `` file and # attempt to download the [`flit`]( # build system. rm_f "pyproject.toml" venv.pip_install Pathname.pwd end ( - ["entrypoints"]).each do |r| venv.pip_install resource(r) end venv.pip_install_and_link buildpath end test do xy = Language::Python.major_minor_version "python3" # flake8 version 3.7.8 will fail this test with `E203` warnings. # Adding `E203` to the list of ignores makes the test pass. # Remove the customized ignore list once the problem is fixed upstream. system "#{bin}/flake8", "#{libexec}/lib/python#{xy}/site-packages/flake8", "--ignore=E121,E123,E126,E226,E24,E704,W503,W504,E203" end end