class Litmus < Formula desc "WebDAV server protocol compliance test suite" homepage "" url "" sha256 "09d615958121706444db67e09c40df5f753ccf1fa14846fdeb439298aa9ac3ff" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "10a49ffd5dfde15e35effdcf51ba8097086294e33fb7cb7fab65628c03cdef3e" => :el_capitan sha256 "07ce12b82b1a1bb63c9c0c596a7fb3f577afb369b87b4d6bce23e97fae9b610f" => :yosemite sha256 "c9fd308d0d348619c8af1a5f95c4f129734fcc07e2b3eea1151fbadd89225b94" => :mavericks end def install # Note that initially this formula also had the --disable-debug option # passed to ./configure. # # This disabled a critical feature. Litmus is a debugging tool, and this # caused all logs to be empty by default. # # See: system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end end