class OpenTyrian < Formula desc "Open-source port of Tyrian" homepage "" url "" sha256 "f54b6b3cedcefa187c9f605d6164aae29ec46a731a6df30d351af4c008dee45f" head "", :using => :hg bottle do sha256 "4f55db177b78370597bc596797cfb9f08c3a7249ce3e53130fc349d4b4fdb6d5" => :sierra sha256 "90612b1c31262d8e0ae681842197370d278b51fdb46cce6a0a40e2595a4c831a" => :el_capitan sha256 "6c3ebd2d00d744211373e8457a3df645a5d402e521b40f7c46139cc9e4c33dc6" => :yosemite end depends_on "sdl" depends_on "sdl_net" resource "data" do url "" sha256 "7790d09a2a3addcd33c66ef063d5900eb81cc9c342f4807eb8356364dd1d9277" end def install datadir = pkgshare/"data" datadir.install resource("data") args = [] if build.head? args << "TYRIAN_DIR=#{datadir}" else inreplace "src/file.c", "/usr/share/opentyrian/data", datadir end system "make", *args bin.install "opentyrian" end def caveats "Save games will be put in ~/.opentyrian" end test do system "#{bin}/opentyrian", "--help" end end