class Filebeat < Formula desc "File harvester, used to fetch log files and feed them into logstash" homepage "" url "" sha256 "8eea85de415898c362144ba533062651d8891241c738799e54cc9b17040c1fc9" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "5dd2ec94fc5af84b47188c413ec4c414b3f3614ff2a07d4e28fcf719aab5b4e2" => :el_capitan sha256 "32f634750427dc51ccf70aa805b9b3819a7cf47cf00f829c511e169ab916562b" => :yosemite sha256 "7507367228a95cbcb2b9b8373f352c6996a5b929737290e4b75fba5dc02c8c54" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" => :build def install gopath = buildpath/"gopath" (gopath/"src/").install Dir["{*,.git,.gitignore}"] ENV["GOPATH"] = gopath cd gopath/"src/" do system "make" libexec.install "filebeat" etc.install "etc/filebeat.yml" end (bin/"filebeat").write <<-EOS.undent #!/bin/sh exec "#{libexec}/filebeat" -c "#{etc}/filebeat.yml" "$@" EOS end plist_options :manual => "filebeat" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} Program #{opt_bin}/filebeat RunAtLoad EOS end test do log_file = testpath/"log" touch log_file (testpath/"filebeat.yml").write <<-EOS.undent filebeat: prospectors: - paths: - #{log_file} scan_frequency: 0s output: file: path: #{testpath} EOS filebeat_pid = fork { exec bin/"filebeat", "-c", testpath/"filebeat.yml" } begin sleep 5 log_file.append_lines "foo bar baz" sleep 10 assert File.exist? testpath/"filebeat" ensure Process.kill("TERM", filebeat_pid) end end end