class Govendor < Formula desc "Go vendor tool that works with the standard vendor file." homepage "" url "" sha256 "39dbf5a72617a9688f9dd82db044bd0bd0908c42dfb15e4629a5e381d078f988" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "a9b538021eae35eabc09d5660454a9f838344d18a77ce32b0b378ad5074429a8" => :el_capitan sha256 "a0e647d88f7a1ac1e030acb2ebf05641ba3f874c5d8f03d4ba1bed3611f4d7a1" => :yosemite sha256 "d6e56e0aff8ac0e2201c1be1d86d8fbe87087dad196777aaf7baf10174bce23d" => :mavericks end depends_on "go" def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath ENV["GOOS"] = "darwin" ENV["GOARCH"] = MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? "amd64" : "386" (buildpath/"src/").mkpath ln_sf buildpath, buildpath/"src/" system "go", "build", "-o", bin/"govendor" end test do # Default HOMEBREW_TEMP is /tmp, which is actually a symlink to /private/tmp. # `govendor` bails without `.realpath` as it expects $GOPATH to be "real" path. ENV["GOPATH"] = testpath.realpath commit = "89d9e62992539701a49a19c52ebb33e84cbbe80f" (testpath/"src/").mkpath cd "src/" do system bin/"govendor", "init" assert File.exist?("vendor"), "Failed to init!" system bin/"govendor", "fetch", "-tree", "{commit}" assert_match commit,"vendor/vendor.json") assert_match "", shell_output("#{bin}/govendor list") end end end