class KubernetesCli < Formula desc "Kubernetes command-line interface" homepage "" url "" sha256 "f7c1dca76fab3580a9e47eb0617b5747d134fb432ee3c0a93623bd85d7aec1d1" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "9aee8751286305857c51d1635ffc75f220833603777122d71186a9ce65bfcb9f" => :el_capitan sha256 "588a1f3255532659f0cc5b01c1456d6022410f86b828121eaa4ded35abc9d372" => :yosemite sha256 "a60297807f4ec6bb884e610b2ca54d1c6d1dcffb52be461ae8bf815039b29e2c" => :mavericks end devel do # building from the tag lets it pick up the correct version info url "", :tag => "v1.4.0-alpha.3", :revision => "b44b716965db2d54c8c7dfcdbcb1d54792ab8559" version "1.4.0-alpha.3" end depends_on "go" => :build def install if build.stable? system "make", "all", "WHAT=cmd/kubectl", "GOFLAGS=-v" else # avoids needing to vendor rm "./test/e2e/framework/gobindata_util.go" ENV.deparallelize { system "make", "generated_files" } system "make", "kubectl", "GOFLAGS=-v" end arch = MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? "amd64" : "x86" bin.install "_output/local/bin/darwin/#{arch}/kubectl" output = Utils.popen_read("#{bin}/kubectl completion bash") (bash_completion/"kubectl").write output end test do output = shell_output("#{bin}/kubectl 2>&1") assert_match "kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager.", output end end