class MinimalRacket < Formula desc "Modern programming language in the Lisp/Scheme family" homepage "" url "" version "6.6" sha256 "f0666dbf0c7fc446f103b0c16eed508225addb09596f9c44a87b9d546422b1e9" bottle do sha256 "939710efd3662a6dacecec89d3097eeb38b5d880abc6100e542ea804057e0de4" => :el_capitan sha256 "75813d0858f9d7a6f71a31e7e73e8ee0df6a0d5e794f288a948377fd44d20a14" => :yosemite sha256 "cc3c79837045ed6bc4a7991e5e5a8a024ea0c449a4b841f71394f3c4347cdcc0" => :mavericks end # these two files are amended when (un)installing packages skip_clean "lib/racket/launchers.rktd", "lib/racket/mans.rktd" def install cd "src" do args = %W[ --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-macprefix --prefix=#{prefix} --man=#{man} --sysconfdir=#{etc} ] args << "--disable-mac64" unless MacOS.prefer_64_bit? system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end # configure racket's package tool (raco) to do the Right Thing # see: inreplace etc/"racket/config.rktd" do |s| s.gsub!( /\(bin-dir\s+\.\s+"#{Regexp.quote(bin)}"\)/, "(bin-dir . \"#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin\")" ) s.gsub!( /\n\)$/, "\n (default-scope . \"installation\")\n)" ) end end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent This is a minimal Racket distribution. If you want to build the DrRacket IDE, you may run raco pkg install --auto drracket The full Racket distribution is available as a cask: brew cask install racket EOS end test do output = shell_output("#{bin}/racket -e '(displayln \"Hello Homebrew\")'") assert_match /Hello Homebrew/, output # show that the config file isn't malformed output = shell_output("'#{bin}/raco' pkg config") assert $?.success? assert_match<<-EOS.undent), output ^name: #{version} catalogs:{version}/catalog/ default-scope: installation EOS end end