class Onetime < Formula desc "Encryption with one-time pads" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "36a83a83ac9f4018278bf48e868af00f3326b853229fae7e43b38d167e628348" # Fixes the Makefile to permit destination specification # patch do url "" sha256 "2c22ca15dd61448d71515ce7e03b7e05d38450fd59b673323c47ade7023cb64c" end # Follow up to PR12 to fix my clumsiness in a variable call. patch do url "" sha256 "68be20314f513d126287e7d799dc6c57fb0ece4d28b85588c102a5144422bc80" end end bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation revision 2 sha256 "4d27502d9a4b8d257182dcaf99b05121033352928c3716a1ebe932a24276e73a" => :el_capitan sha256 "561f129baa60ba8aa08f47130a35f531fdd7ddda80c3e0636bd39c96c3d06930" => :yosemite sha256 "31698cc41c95bdb23f340f2641124826f8b5324a69ce338146e7c01800646fa5" => :mavericks end devel do url "" # FIXME: I can't rememeber why the custom version was added now, but # we're stuck with it now as 2.0-beta(n) is "less" than 2.0.0(n). version "2.0.12" sha256 "c5d41a9ff13064a071a1fdeff8aa8beda21edd7674124c6e111fa74f1976f1ba" end def install system "make", "prefix=#{prefix}", "install" end test do system "dd", "if=/dev/random", "of=pad_data.txt", "bs=1024", "count=1" (testpath/"input.txt").write "INPUT" system "#{bin}/onetime", "-e", "--pad=pad_data.txt", "--no-trace", "--config=.", "input.txt" system "#{bin}/onetime", "-d", "--pad=pad_data.txt", "--no-trace", "--config=.", "input.txt.onetime" end end