class Zpaq < Formula desc "Incremental, journaling command-line archiver" homepage "" url "" version "7.14" sha256 "7ebd2ecf6b7699cb1c9e02d3045698a71f684f83f48ebc18bad1a7e075b1b5f6" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "3cea014c39c41c7208a17b80b9d7676a5e44757053916ea13a0cf65ea8166dc7" => :el_capitan sha256 "58823b3daa759acc9ccb2193382ccaf5c312201d9a20592c12bde9843b4b5341" => :yosemite sha256 "8a89183c78862909d2db2a68ece4b4a12e89167c460735d99f8afdd6b90af9ab" => :mavericks end resource "test" do url "" sha256 "b110688939477bbe62263faff1ce488872c68c0352aa8e55779346f1bd1ed07e" end def install # Reported 6 Aug 2016 to mattmahoneyfl (at) gmail (dot) com # OS X `install` command doesn't have `-t` inreplace "Makefile", /(install -m.* )-t (.*) (.*)(\r)/, "\\1 \\3 \\2\\4" system "make" system "make", "check" system "make", "install", "PREFIX=#{prefix}" end test do testpath.install resource("test") assert_match "all OK", shell_output("#{bin}/zpaq x calgarytest2.zpaq 2>&1") end end