class Pmd < Formula desc "Source code analyzer for Java, JavaScript, and more" homepage "" url "" sha256 "38004ea3274d2f71701f438606a4c4095b7a86110e8d7f2a8940170c9bd5ddbb" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "200b328de630494f9af715dea361f58a33cbe63f05f92655e24fa303718081ec" => :el_capitan sha256 "e77b25de6a13bb512d2962eab1d643d76ac7411f18bf38f049774d193ccfd43c" => :yosemite sha256 "e5ed61e35b5c980b0e1bcf616bc2615f1c5310ad66ce8f4901ca225764e7e78c" => :mavericks end depends_on "maven" => :build def install ENV.java_cache system "mvn", "clean", "package" doc.install "LICENSE", "NOTICE", "" # The mvn package target produces a .zip with all the jars needed for PMD safe_system "unzip", buildpath/"pmd-dist/target/pmd-bin-#{version}.zip" libexec.install "pmd-bin-#{version}/bin", "pmd-bin-#{version}/lib" bin.install_symlink "#{libexec}/bin/" => "pmd" inreplace "#{libexec}/bin/", "${script_dir}/../lib", "#{libexec}/lib" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Run with `pmd` (instead of `` as described in the documentation). EOS end test do (testpath/"java/").write <<-EOS.undent public class BrewTestClass { // dummy constant public String SOME_CONST = "foo"; public boolean doTest () { return true; } } EOS system "#{bin}/pmd", "pmd", "-d", "#{testpath}/java", "-R", "rulesets/java/basic.xml", "-f", "textcolor", "-l", "java" end end