class Elasticsearch < Formula desc "Distributed real-time search & analytics engine for the cloud" homepage "" url "" sha256 "8a4e85bcb506daa369651506af1cbc55c09fd7ff387d111142ae14d0a85d4d14" revision 1 bottle :unneeded head do url "" depends_on :java => "1.8" depends_on "gradle" => :build end depends_on :java => "1.7+" def cluster_name "elasticsearch_#{ENV["USER"]}" end def install if build.head? # Build the package from source system "gradle", "clean", "assemble" # Extract the package to the current directory targz = Dir["distribution/tar/build/distributions/elasticsearch-*.tar.gz"].first system "tar", "--strip-components=1", "-xf", targz end # Remove Windows files rm_f Dir["bin/*.bat"] rm_f Dir["bin/*.exe"] # Install everything else into package directory libexec.install "bin", "config", "lib" # Set up Elasticsearch for local development: inreplace "#{libexec}/config/elasticsearch.yml" do |s| # 1. Give the cluster a unique name s.gsub!(/#\s*cluster\.name\: .*/, " #{cluster_name}") # 2. Configure paths s.sub!(%r{#\s*path\.data: /path/to.+$}, " #{var}/elasticsearch/") s.sub!(%r{#\s*path\.logs: /path/to.+$}, "path.logs: #{var}/log/elasticsearch/") end inreplace "#{libexec}/bin/" do |s| # Configure ES_HOME s.sub!(%r{#\!/bin/sh\n}, "#!/bin/sh\n\nES_HOME=#{libexec}") end inreplace "#{libexec}/bin/plugin" do |s| # Add the proper ES_CLASSPATH configuration s.sub!(/SCRIPT="\$0"/, %(SCRIPT="$0"\nES_CLASSPATH=#{libexec}/lib)) # Replace paths to use libexec instead of lib s.gsub!(%r{\$ES_HOME/lib/}, "$ES_CLASSPATH/") end # Move config files into etc (etc/"elasticsearch").install Dir[libexec/"config/*"] (etc/"elasticsearch/scripts").mkdir unless File.exists?(etc/"elasticsearch/scripts") (libexec/"config").rmtree bin.write_exec_script Dir[libexec/"bin/*"] end def post_install # Make sure runtime directories exist (var/"elasticsearch/#{cluster_name}").mkpath (var/"log/elasticsearch").mkpath ln_s etc/"elasticsearch", libexec/"config" (libexec/"plugins").mkdir end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Data: #{var}/elasticsearch/#{cluster_name}/ Logs: #{var}/log/elasticsearch/#{cluster_name}.log Plugins: #{libexec}/plugins/ Config: #{etc}/elasticsearch/ EOS end plist_options :manual => "elasticsearch" def plist; <<-EOS.undent KeepAlive Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/elasticsearch EnvironmentVariables RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory #{var} StandardErrorPath /dev/null StandardOutPath /dev/null EOS end test do system "#{bin}/plugin", "list" pid = "#{testpath}/pid" begin system "#{bin}/elasticsearch", "-d", "-p", pid, "", testpath sleep 10 system "curl", "-XGET", "localhost:9200/" ensure Process.kill(9, end end end