class NoExpatFramework < Requirement def expat_framework "/Library/Frameworks/expat.framework" end satisfy :build_env => false do !File.exist? expat_framework end def message; <<-EOS.undent Detected #{expat_framework} This will be picked up by CMake's build system and likely cause the build to fail, trying to link to a 32-bit version of expat. You may need to move this file out of the way to compile CMake. EOS end end class Cmake < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "5b9bb6e6f8c93335a0ef7b6c2d00a5273c2ea6cc" head "" bottle do cellar :any sha1 "6b27d87da9b29db9500cb287e5289f93e3643472" => :yosemite sha1 "5a759fafa20fdeff671e2c3dc3baeaf6431e4324" => :mavericks sha1 "6e7b8a9efda9071d7dba03f21cbae1e55af9c9b8" => :mountain_lion end option "without-docs", "Don't build man pages" depends_on :python => :build if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard && build.with?("docs") depends_on "xz" # For LZMA # The `with-qt` GUI option was removed due to circular dependencies if # CMake is built with Qt support and Qt is built with MySQL support as MySQL uses CMake. # For the GUI application please instead use brew install caskroom/cask/cmake. resource "sphinx" do url "" sha1 "3a11f130c63b057532ca37fe49c8967d0cbae1d5" end resource "docutils" do url "" sha1 "002450621b33c5690060345b0aac25bc2426d675" end resource "pygments" do url "" sha1 "fe2c8178a039b6820a7a86b2132a2626df99c7f8" end resource "jinja2" do url "" sha1 "25ab3881f0c1adfcf79053b58de829c5ae65d3ac" end resource "markupsafe" do url "" sha1 "cd5c22acf6dd69046d6cb6a3920d84ea66bdf62a" end depends_on NoExpatFramework def install if build.with? "docs" ENV.prepend_create_path "PYTHONPATH", buildpath+"sphinx/lib/python2.7/site-packages" resources.each do |r| r.stage do system "python", *Language::Python.setup_install_args(buildpath/"sphinx") end end # There is an existing issue around OS X & Python locale setting # See for explanation ENV["LC_ALL"] = "en_US.UTF-8" end args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --system-libs --parallel=#{ENV.make_jobs} --no-system-libarchive --datadir=/share/cmake --docdir=/share/doc/cmake --mandir=/share/man ] if build.with? "docs" args << "--sphinx-man" << "--sphinx-build=#{buildpath}/sphinx/bin/sphinx-build" end system "./bootstrap", *args system "make" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"CMakeLists.txt").write("find_package(Ruby)") system "#{bin}/cmake", "." end end