class Eventql < Formula desc "Database for large-scale event analytics" homepage "" url "" sha256 "a61f093bc45a1f9b9b374331ab40665c0c1060a2278b2833c0b6eb6c547b4ef4" bottle do cellar :any rebuild 1 sha256 "f14adb77f2c1a4ab8ca08a55a14884e5f87058e10895bf3558e7e5b5df6329f6" => :catalina sha256 "b6f264a76ce93195c2de6708d497c59dcb7192da13038247a33b3fd7aae5ce9a" => :mojave sha256 "9f0440ead195557859530cfb429c82cea72b3ad7caf3dbb6e149b5959890ad4e" => :high_sierra end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end def install # SpiderMonkey sets the deployment target to 10.6, kicking in libstdc++ mode # which no longer has headers as of Xcode 10. ENV["_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = MacOS.version # the internal libzookeeper fails to build if we don't deparallelize # ENV.deparallelize system "./" if build.head? system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end test do pid = fork do exec bin/"evqld", "--standalone", "--datadir", testpath end sleep 1 system bin/"evql", "--database", "test", "-e", "SELECT 42;" ensure Process.kill "SIGTERM", pid Process.wait pid end end