require 'formula' class Nspr < Formula url '' homepage '' sha256 '92f3f4ded2ee313e396c180d5445cc3c718ff347d86c06b7bf14a1b5e049d4c9' def install ENV.deparallelize Dir.chdir "mozilla/nsprpub" do # Fixes a bug with linking against CoreFoundation, needed to work with SpiderMonkey # See: target_frameworks = (Hardware.is_32_bit? or MacOS.leopard?) ? "-framework Carbon" : "" inreplace "pr/src/", "-framework CoreServices -framework CoreFoundation", target_frameworks args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-debug", "--enable-strip", "--enable-optimize"] args << "--enable-64bit" if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? system "./configure", *args # Remove the broken (for anyone but Firefox) install_name inreplace "config/", "-install_name @executable_path/$@ ", "-install_name #{lib}/$@ " system "make" system "make install" end end end