class Brogue < Formula desc "Roguelike game" homepage "" # The OS X version doesn't contain a Makefile, so we # need to download the Linux version url "" version "1.7.4" sha256 "eba5f35fe317efad9c97876f117eaf7a26956c435fdd2bc1a5989f0a4f70cfd3" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "7843893c8f71ec2824a571324ada4818a24b9d0cdf3ee896a2fe986c2eb3d96e" => :sierra sha256 "29b76f520e06b81094b7036d6c8bc1d9e259d2df18dc82514ed1156027dbfa87" => :el_capitan end # put the highscores file in HOMEBREW_PREFIX/var/brogue/ instead of a # version-dependent location. patch do url "" sha256 "ac5f86930a0190146ca35856266e8e8af06ac925bc8ae4c73c202352f258669c" end def install (var/"brogue").mkpath doc.install "Readme.rtf" => "README.rtf" doc.install "agpl.txt" => "COPYING" system "make", "clean", "curses" # The files are installed in libexec # and the provided `brogue` shell script, # which is just a convenient way to launch the game, # is placed in the `bin` directory. inreplace "brogue", %r{`dirname \$0`/bin$}, libexec bin.install "brogue" libexec.install "bin/brogue", "bin/keymap" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent If you are upgrading from 1.7.2, you need to copy your highscores file: cp #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Cellar/#{name}/1.7.2/BrogueHighScores.txt #{var}/brogue/ EOS end test do system "#{bin}/brogue", "--version" end end