class Groonga < Formula desc "Fulltext search engine and column store" homepage "" url "" sha256 "16297c1e4c7cb12c4fca515a28b5cb1e9ef0db0867ff4ad3d8d5436c0e175b6d" bottle do sha256 "dc92bb6507e72f77f020579f07aa2c767e8f3983bc2047f28732da02eacff3d2" => :el_capitan sha256 "d9f036c5d9e22451c7f6f4dd8c377bb6f3efbe1efd49b3d19fb508240bf470d1" => :yosemite sha256 "ff47589d938a2c4d8720cedf6291533daa1ca9d44bd2515f309d110f2b913352" => :mavericks end head do url "" depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end option "with-benchmark", "With benchmark program for developer use" option "with-suggest-plugin", "With suggest plugin for suggesting" deprecated_option "enable-benchmark" => "with-benchmark" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "pcre" depends_on "msgpack" depends_on "mecab" => :optional depends_on "lz4" => :optional depends_on "openssl" depends_on "mecab-ipadic" if build.with? "mecab" depends_on "glib" if build.with? "benchmark" if build.with? "suggest-plugin" depends_on "libevent" depends_on "zeromq" end resource "groonga-normalizer-mysql" do url "" sha256 "525daffdb999b647ce87328ec2e94c004ab59803b00a71ce1afd0b5dfd167116" end link_overwrite "lib/groonga/plugins/normalizers/" link_overwrite "share/doc/groonga-normalizer-mysql/" link_overwrite "lib/pkgconfig/groonga-normalizer-mysql.pc" def install args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --with-zlib --with-ssl --enable-mruby --without-libstemmer ] # ZeroMQ is an optional dependency that will be auto-detected unless we disable it if build.with? "suggest-plugin" args << "--enable-zeromq" else args << "--disable-zeromq" end args << "--enable-benchmark" if build.with? "benchmark" args << "--with-mecab" if build.with? "mecab" args << "--with-lz4" if build.with? "lz4" if build.head? args << "--with-ruby" system "./" end system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" resource("groonga-normalizer-mysql").stage do ENV.prepend_path "PATH", bin ENV.prepend_path "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", lib/"pkgconfig" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" system "make", "install" end end test do IO.popen("#{bin}/groonga -n #{testpath}/test.db", "r+") do |io| io.puts("table_create --name TestTable --flags TABLE_HASH_KEY --key_type ShortText") sleep 2 io.puts("shutdown") # expected returned result is like this: # [[0,1447502555.38667,0.000824928283691406],true]\n assert_match(/\[\[0,\d+.\d+,\d+.\d+\],true\]/, end IO.popen("#{bin}/groonga -n #{testpath}/test-normalizer-mysql.db", "r+") do |io| io.puts "register normalizers/mysql" sleep 2 io.puts("shutdown") # expected returned result is like this: # [[0,1447502555.38667,0.000824928283691406],true]\n assert_match(/\[\[0,\d+.\d+,\d+.\d+\],true\]/, end end end