require "language/haskell" class PinboardNotesBackup < Formula include Language::Haskell::Cabal desc "Efficiently back up the notes you've saved to Pinboard" homepage "" url "" sha256 "bc3ab1a8a3d92fcbda86dd8b4756b035be89e1e5b50bdd61f998b67c89243ae3" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "1138cbd05fc88464afb783d8509336fb8bb82495700b34199d5c16dee1cbac41" => :high_sierra sha256 "77d4f8e3de1887bbae724aaaf2b72b7399adb8435153a192b7f39cabb8846c54" => :sierra sha256 "357931ecd198a6fad58d6a9cf3d8543b1dbc3a2fd0ec60e1887725791a2e6c6b" => :el_capitan end depends_on "cabal-install" => :build depends_on "ghc@8.2" => :build def install install_cabal_package end # A real test would require hard-coding someone's Pinboard API key here test do assert_match "TOKEN", shell_output("#{bin}/pnbackup Notes.sqlite 2>&1", 1) output = shell_output("#{bin}/pnbackup -t token Notes.sqlite 2>&1", 1) assert_match "statusCode = 500", output end end