class CodesignRequirement < Requirement include FileUtils fatal true satisfy(:build_env => false) do mktemp do touch "llvm_check.txt" quiet_system "/usr/bin/codesign", "-s", "lldb_codesign", "--dryrun", "llvm_check.txt" end end def message <<-EOS.undent lldb_codesign identity must be available to build with LLDB. See: EOS end end class Llvm < Formula desc "Next-gen compiler infrastructure" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "f60dc158bfda6822de167e87275848969f0558b3134892ff54fced87e4667b94" resource "clang" do url "" sha256 "ae9180466a23acb426d12444d866b266ff2289b266064d362462e44f8d4699f3" end resource "clang-extra-tools" do url "" sha256 "6a0ec627d398f501ddf347060f7a2ccea4802b2494f1d4fd7bda3e0442d04feb" end resource "compiler-rt" do url "" sha256 "0f2ff37d80a64575fecd8cf0d5c50f7ac1f837ddf700d1855412bb7547431d87" end resource "libcxx" do url "" sha256 "52f3d452f48209c9df1792158fdbd7f3e98ed9bca8ebb51fcd524f67437c8b81" end resource "lld" do url "" sha256 "43f553c115563600577764262f1f2fac3740f0c639750f81e125963c90030b33" end resource "lldb" do url "" sha256 "940dc96b64919b7dbf32c37e0e1d1fc88cc18e1d4b3acf1e7dfe5a46eb6523a9" end end bottle do cellar :any revision 2 sha256 "3b4b2c50e018125c0fa7aa9a14e8066b301afa6ebe2c36a198962e4c9af318a7" => :el_capitan sha256 "382eb51bb69c52fb3800c0498d1c6799b9046af8413be15217fc58effc9963b3" => :yosemite sha256 "57f2bb04233429051ff77deeaf74612c2d56be5d6bc13d1c6f8457cd057bc9e7" => :mavericks end head do url "" resource "clang" do url "" end resource "clang-extra-tools" do url "" end resource "compiler-rt" do url "" end resource "libcxx" do url "" end resource "libcxxabi" do url "" end resource "lld" do url "" end resource "lldb" do url "" end # Polly is --HEAD-only because it requires isl and the version of Polly # shipped with 3.6.2 only compiles with isl 0.14 and earlier (current # version is 0.15). isl is distributed with the Polly source code from LLVM # 3.7 and up, so --HEAD builds do not need to depend on homebrew isl. option "with-polly", "Build with the experimental Polly optimizer" resource "polly" do url "" end end keg_only :provided_by_osx option :universal option "with-clang", "Build the Clang compiler and support libraries" option "with-clang-extra-tools", "Build extra tools for Clang" option "with-compiler-rt", "Build Clang runtime support libraries for code sanitizers, builtins, and profiling" option "with-libcxx", "Build the libc++ standard library" option "with-lld", "Build LLD linker" option "with-lldb", "Build LLDB debugger" option "with-python", "Build Python bindings against Homebrew Python" option "with-rtti", "Build with C++ RTTI" option "with-utils", "Install utility binaries" deprecated_option "rtti" => "with-rtti" if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard depends_on :python else depends_on :python => :optional end depends_on "cmake" => :build if build.with? "lldb" depends_on "swig" depends_on CodesignRequirement end # Apple's libstdc++ is too old to build LLVM fails_with :gcc fails_with :llvm def install # Apple's libstdc++ is too old to build LLVM ENV.libcxx if ENV.compiler == :clang (buildpath/"tools/clang").install resource("clang") if build.with? "clang" if build.with? "clang-extra-tools" odie "--with-extra-tools requires --with-clang" if build.without? "clang" (buildpath/"tools/clang/tools/extra").install resource("clang-extra-tools") end if build.with? "libcxx" (buildpath/"projects/libcxx").install resource("libcxx") end (buildpath/"tools/lld").install resource("lld") if build.with? "lld" if build.with? "lldb" odie "--with-lldb requires --with-clang" if build.without? "clang" (buildpath/"tools/lldb").install resource("lldb") # Building lldb requires a code signing certificate. # The instructions provided by llvm creates this certificate in the # user's login keychain. Unfortunately, the login keychain is not in # the search path in a superenv build. The following three lines add # the login keychain to ~/Library/Preferences/, # which adds it to the superenv keychain search path. mkdir_p "#{ENV["HOME"]}/Library/Preferences" username = ENV["USER"] system "security", "list-keychains", "-d", "user", "-s", "/Users/#{username}/Library/Keychains/login.keychain" end if build.with? "polly" odie "--with-polly requires --with-clang" if build.without? "clang" (buildpath/"tools/polly").install resource("polly") end if build.with? "compiler-rt" odie "--with-compiler-rt requires --with-clang" if build.without? "clang" (buildpath/"projects/compiler-rt").install resource("compiler-rt") # compiler-rt has some iOS simulator features that require i386 symbols # I'm assuming the rest of clang needs support too for 32-bit compilation # to work correctly, but if not, perhaps universal binaries could be # limited to compiler-rt. llvm makes this somewhat easier because compiler-rt # can almost be treated as an entirely different build from llvm. ENV.permit_arch_flags end args = %w[ -DLLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN=On -DLLVM_BUILD_LLVM_DYLIB=On ] args << "-DLLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=On" if build.with? "rtti" args << "-DLLVM_INSTALL_UTILS=On" if build.with? "utils" if build.universal? ENV.permit_arch_flags args << "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=#{Hardware::CPU.universal_archs.as_cmake_arch_flags}" end args << "-DLINK_POLLY_INTO_TOOLS:Bool=ON" if build.with? "polly" mktemp do system "cmake", "-G", "Unix Makefiles", buildpath, *(std_cmake_args + args) system "make" system "make", "install" end if build.with? "clang" (share/"clang/tools").install Dir["tools/clang/tools/scan-{build,view}"] if build.head? inreplace "#{share}/clang/tools/scan-build/bin/scan-build", "$RealBin/bin/clang", "#{bin}/clang" bin.install_symlink share/"clang/tools/scan-build/bin/scan-build", share/"clang/tools/scan-view/bin/scan-view" man1.install_symlink share/"clang/tools/scan-build/man/scan-build.1" else inreplace "#{share}/clang/tools/scan-build/scan-build", "$RealBin/bin/clang", "#{bin}/clang" bin.install_symlink share/"clang/tools/scan-build/scan-build", share/"clang/tools/scan-view/scan-view" man1.install_symlink share/"clang/tools/scan-build/scan-build.1" end end # install llvm python bindings (lib/"python2.7/site-packages").install buildpath/"bindings/python/llvm" (lib/"python2.7/site-packages").install buildpath/"tools/clang/bindings/python/clang" if build.with? "clang" end def caveats s = <<-EOS.undent LLVM executables are installed in #{opt_bin}. Extra tools are installed in #{opt_share}/llvm. EOS if build.with? "libcxx" s += <<-EOS.undent To use the bundled libc++ please add the following LDFLAGS: LDFLAGS="-L#{opt_lib} -lc++abi" EOS end s end test do assert_equal prefix.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/llvm-config --prefix").chomp if build.with? "clang" (testpath/"test.cpp").write <<-EOS.undent #include using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World!" << endl; return 0; } EOS system "#{bin}/clang++", "test.cpp", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end end