class MysqlAT57 < Formula desc "Open source relational database management system" homepage "" url "" sha256 "f16399315212117c08f9bdf8a0d682728b2ce82d691bcfbf25a770f413b6f2da" bottle do sha256 "25979cdf7664ceabbe69c4423317612e51cb2dc73d4e5cb4e24abefc29aa018a" => :catalina sha256 "81cf2771fd65d0fda6536bde1366622d5305d6720ba5822a4919acd661509613" => :mojave sha256 "c4b91823da381ca3f5c1d4016b35b0f5c02c947eecad788541cb666bfbb49290" => :high_sierra end keg_only :versioned_formula depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "openssl@1.1" def datadir var/"mysql" end def install # -DINSTALL_* are relative to `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` (`prefix`) args = %W[ -DCOMPILATION_COMMENT=Homebrew -DDEFAULT_CHARSET=utf8 -DDEFAULT_COLLATION=utf8_general_ci -DINSTALL_DOCDIR=share/doc/#{name} -DINSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=include/mysql -DINSTALL_INFODIR=share/info -DINSTALL_MANDIR=share/man -DINSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR=share/mysql -DINSTALL_PLUGINDIR=lib/plugin -DMYSQL_DATADIR=#{datadir} -DSYSCONFDIR=#{etc} -DWITH_BOOST=boost -DWITH_EDITLINE=system -DWITH_SSL=yes -DWITH_UNIT_TESTS=OFF -DWITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER=ON -DENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE=1 -DWITH_INNODB_MEMCACHED=ON ] system "cmake", ".", *std_cmake_args, *args system "make" system "make", "install" (prefix/"mysql-test").cd do system "./", "status", "--vardir=#{Dir.mktmpdir}" end # Remove the tests directory rm_rf prefix/"mysql-test" # Don't create databases inside of the prefix! # See: rm_rf prefix/"data" # Fix up the control script and link into bin. inreplace "#{prefix}/support-files/mysql.server", /^(PATH=".*)(")/, "\\1:#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin\\2" bin.install_symlink prefix/"support-files/mysql.server" # Install my.cnf that binds to by default (buildpath/"my.cnf").write <<~EOS # Default Homebrew MySQL server config [mysqld] # Only allow connections from localhost bind-address = EOS etc.install "my.cnf" end def post_install # Make sure the datadir exists datadir.mkpath unless (datadir/"mysql/general_log.CSM").exist? ENV["TMPDIR"] = nil system bin/"mysqld", "--initialize-insecure", "--user=#{ENV["USER"]}", "--basedir=#{prefix}", "--datadir=#{datadir}", "--tmpdir=/tmp" end end def caveats s = <<~EOS We've installed your MySQL database without a root password. To secure it run: mysql_secure_installation MySQL is configured to only allow connections from localhost by default To connect run: mysql -uroot EOS if my_cnf = ["/etc/my.cnf", "/etc/mysql/my.cnf"].find { |x| File.exist? x } s += <<~EOS A "#{my_cnf}" from another install may interfere with a Homebrew-built server starting up correctly. EOS end s end plist_options :manual => "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/mysql@5.7/bin/mysql.server start" def plist; <<~EOS KeepAlive Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/mysqld_safe --datadir=#{datadir} RunAtLoad WorkingDirectory #{datadir} EOS end test do # Expects datadir to be a completely clean dir, which testpath isn't. dir = Dir.mktmpdir system bin/"mysqld", "--initialize-insecure", "--user=#{ENV["USER"]}", "--basedir=#{prefix}", "--datadir=#{dir}", "--tmpdir=#{dir}" pid = fork do exec bin/"mysqld", "--bind-address=", "--datadir=#{dir}" end sleep 2 output = shell_output("curl") output.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") if output.respond_to?(:force_encoding) assert_match version.to_s, output ensure Process.kill(9, pid) Process.wait(pid) end end