require 'formula' class Chicken < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'd6ec6eb51c6d69e006cc72939b34855013b8535a' head 'git://' bottle do sha1 "18413b340d0dc2486f132dbd3997911d00eb3706" => :mavericks sha1 "f29dfe8f310772927022f175d60cb30c7c761b2d" => :mountain_lion sha1 "86d71f277efc7b45ae4a1d1b0bcab326f8aafdb1" => :lion end def install ENV.deparallelize # Chicken uses a non-standard var. for this args = ["PREFIX=#{prefix}", "PLATFORM=macosx", "C_COMPILER=#{}"] args << "ARCH=x86-64" if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? # necessary to fix build on older Xcodes due to different path, # and to fix the build on CLT-only systems args << "XCODE_DEVELOPER=#{MacOS::Xcode.prefix}" args << "XCODE_TOOL_PATH=#{MacOS::Xcode.toolchain_path}/usr/bin" system "make", *args system "make", "install", *args end test do output = `'#{bin}/csi' -e '(print (* 5 5))'` assert_equal "25", output.strip assert $?.success? end end