require 'formula' class Disco < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 '47a740b84ef61cea8ba3644610e25083' # Periods in the install path cause disco-worker to complain so change to underscores. version '0_3_2' head '' depends_on 'erlang' depends_on 'simplejson' => :python if MacOS.leopard? depends_on 'libcmph' def install inreplace "Makefile" do |s| s.change_make_var! "DESTDIR", prefix s.change_make_var! "PREFIX", "" s.change_make_var! "DISCO_ROOT", "#{var}/disco/" end # add some helpful config for local development inreplace "conf/gen.settings.sys-Darwin" do |s| s.gsub! "${DESTDIR}", HOMEBREW_PREFIX s.gsub! "DDFS_TAG_MIN_REPLICAS = 3", "DDFS_TAG_MIN_REPLICAS = 1" s.gsub! "DDFS_TAG_REPLICAS = 3", "DDFS_TAG_REPLICAS = 1" s.gsub! "DDFS_BLOB_REPLICAS = 3", "DDFS_BLOB_REPLICAS = 1\n" + "DISCO_MASTER_HOST = 'localhost'\n" + "DISCODEX_HOME = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(DISCO_HOME), 'discodex')" end system "make" system "make install" ENV.delete('CC') system "make install-discodb install-discodex" bin.install ['contrib/discodex/bin/discodex','contrib/discodex/bin/'] prefix.install ['contrib', 'doc', 'examples', 'node'] end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Please symlink #{etc}/disco/ to ~/.disco and edit accordingly: ln -s #{etc}/disco/ ~/.disco To run the discodex server for development: cd #{prefix}/contrib/discodex/www ./ runserver 8080 The DDFS_*_REPLICA settings have been set to 1 assuming a single-machine install. Please see for further instructions. EOS end end