class Pdf2image < Formula desc "Convert PDFs to images" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e8672c3bdba118c83033c655d90311db003557869c92903e5012cdb368a68982" depends_on :x11 depends_on "freetype" depends_on "ghostscript" conflicts_with "poppler", "xpdf", :because => "pdf2image, poppler, and xpdf install conflicting executables" def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" # Fix manpage install location. See: # inreplace "Makefile", "/man/", "/share/man/" # Fix incorrect variable name in Makefile inreplace "src/Makefile", "$(srcdir)", "$(SRCDIR)" # Add X11 libs manually; the Makefiles don't use LDFLAGS properly inreplace ["src/Makefile", "xpdf/Makefile"], "LDFLAGS =", "LDFLAGS=-L#{MacOS::X11.lib}" system "make" system "make", "install" end test do system "#{bin}/pdf2image", "--version" end end