require 'formula' # This now builds a version of JACKv1 which matches the current API # for JACKv2. JACKv2 is not buildable on a number of Mac OS X # distributions, and the JACK team instead suggests installation of # JACKOSX, a pre-built binary form for which the source is not available. # If you require JACKv2, you should use that. Otherwise, this formula should # operate fine. # Please see for more info class Jack < Formula homepage '' url "" sha1 "e9ba4a4c754ec95fbe653dcf7344edd6cc47cd60" bottle do sha1 "1a6b9ef8bf76ac101b60469ce69c849487395bff" => :mavericks sha1 "fba42da50d726fa86ed02ae7607feac6ad9c1537" => :mountain_lion sha1 "89f26ade3b8e39a3fe8c888d6e67abb13fa508bd" => :lion end depends_on 'berkeley-db' depends_on 'celt' depends_on 'libsndfile' depends_on 'libsamplerate' # Change pThread header include from CarbonCore patch :p0, :DATA if MacOS.version >= :mountain_lion plist_options :manual => "jackd -d coreaudio" def plist; <<-EOS.undent Label #{plist_name} WorkingDirectory #{prefix} ProgramArguments #{opt_bin}/jackd -d coreaudio RunAtLoad KeepAlive EOS end def install ENV['LINKFLAGS'] = ENV.ldflags system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make","install" end end __END__ --- config/os/macosx/pThreadUtilities.h +++ config/os/macosx/pThreadUtilities.h @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ #define __PTHREADUTILITIES_H__ #import "pthread.h" -#import +#import #define THREAD_SET_PRIORITY 0 #define THREAD_SCHEDULED_PRIORITY 1