class Aiccu < Formula desc "Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility" homepage "" url "" mirror "" version "20070115" sha256 "d23cf50a16fa842242c97683c3c1c1089a7a4964e3eaba97ad1f17110fdfe3cc" bottle do rebuild 1 sha256 "83284f72e078fceac87aee5752547ea4d25c6be0421a9bc3cd64bb97177b8ea7" => :catalina sha256 "f6c90e2ecdcd0d676abe4fb32f98a8592d348ac3794de62fa64f403e5ecbbf17" => :mojave sha256 "9033bb99bd8fbaa3b74abb0fa850b2220c317628851af361180c0c764732d49c" => :high_sierra sha256 "ee19bef55805a8562bddb41a3af66e5bce9589b1e4d96b05348a37b5ada2c091" => :sierra sha256 "572e103e9de9c872eb202e18d5c4f352f0b9dc26d284d5979b83ff6fa3daa5b2" => :el_capitan sha256 "e4db05626f082c10398f46ac40aa25ec271be6e4372330d6d7c27b2349d0e789" => :yosemite end # Patches per MacPorts patch do url "" sha256 "08b0c9c4fe6349e4a826fe813b966848f01832de8bbfe3f9807b8742de6578df" end def install inreplace "doc/aiccu.conf", "daemonize true", "daemonize false" system "make", "prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}" etc.install "doc/aiccu.conf" end def caveats <<~EOS You may also wish to install tuntap: The TunTap project provides kernel extensions for macOS that allow creation of virtual network interfaces. You can install tuntap with homebrew using brew install tuntap Unless it exists already, a aiccu.conf file has been written to: #{etc}/aiccu.conf Protect this file as it will contain your credentials. The 'aiccu' command will load this file by default unless told to use a different one. EOS end plist_options :startup => true def plist; <<~EOS Label #{plist_name} ProgramArguments #{opt_sbin}/aiccu start #{etc}/aiccu.conf RunAtLoad EOS end test do system "#{sbin}/aiccu", "version" end end