class Stk < Formula desc "Sound Synthesis Toolkit" homepage "" url "" sha256 "648fcb9a0a4243d2d93fc72b29955953f4e794edf04c31f2ed0ed720d05287d2" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "c4097ebf1065c8a253d41902fa54573748ca47f24cd8ec88f340db1f74ecd418" => :mojave sha256 "67c1c6c12bbf98d866bac55955d4715f94c05c63551bd0687646c6acd549de91" => :high_sierra sha256 "70c1c7e91fc3477055e6bc1a39dd5ef160c4e496887bb22b88d7fd149b03bfa6" => :sierra sha256 "e333e99c0fe8611be1fc7fb54d3e4e77f4cde210bb1c281031ed54b74187ef4d" => :el_capitan end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build def install system "autoreconf", "-fiv" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--disable-debug" system "make" lib.install "src/libstk.a" bin.install "bin/treesed" (include/"stk").install Dir["include/*"] doc.install Dir["doc/*"] pkgshare.install "src", "projects", "rawwaves" end def caveats; <<~EOS The header files have been put in a standard search path, it is possible to use an include statement in programs as follows: #include \"stk/FileLoop.h\" #include \"stk/FileWvOut.h\" src/ projects/ and rawwaves/ have all been copied to #{opt_pkgshare} EOS end test do assert_equal "xx No input files", shell_output("#{bin}/treesed", 1).chomp end end