class Dmd < Formula desc "D programming language compiler for macOS" homepage "" stable do url "" sha256 "ab591e45163b2653a3253d0fe3a58f3e40c9c43a1b466114d10c7e67ee569fdc" resource "druntime" do url "" sha256 "675303e9a773ebd6e91c3ae60108f140780c8ffd5abf4c3df52876b3bebcaa64" end resource "phobos" do url "" sha256 "c7f709843b0ee50da53e138df0b61eae2e59550df0bf0adf0a8d0482f715cb4f" end resource "tools" do url "" sha256 "84338fd55c82051ab103cbd165f277d2f855c6b5ce12305ab63968d9316ffb7c" end end bottle do sha256 "12a52d3553afe09f3a12a2e40c4f27bb2910eacdf6003d9866527550187c9857" => :mojave sha256 "6f9f0daa60dd0e44bd5d6cc47dbf4ea96487f5e51338177447691d151db7775c" => :high_sierra end head do url "" resource "druntime" do url "" end resource "phobos" do url "" end resource "tools" do url "" end end def install # DMD defaults to v2.088.0 to bootstrap as of DMD 2.090.0 # On MacOS Catalina, a version < 2.087.1 would not work due to TLS related symbols missing make_args = %W[ INSTALL_DIR=#{prefix} MODEL=64 BUILD=release -f posix.mak ] dmd_make_args = %W[ SYSCONFDIR=#{etc} TARGET_CPU=X86 AUTO_BOOTSTRAP=1 ENABLE_RELEASE=1 ] system "make", *dmd_make_args, *make_args make_args.unshift "DMD_DIR=#{buildpath}", "DRUNTIME_PATH=#{buildpath}/druntime", "PHOBOS_PATH=#{buildpath}/phobos" (buildpath/"druntime").install resource("druntime") system "make", "-C", "druntime", *make_args (buildpath/"phobos").install resource("phobos") system "make", "-C", "phobos", "VERSION=#{buildpath}/VERSION", *make_args resource("tools").stage do inreplace "posix.mak", "install: $(TOOLS) $(CURL_TOOLS)", "install: $(TOOLS) $(ROOT)/dustmite" system "make", "install", *make_args end bin.install "generated/osx/release/64/dmd" pkgshare.install "samples" man.install Dir["docs/man/*"] (include/"dlang/dmd").install Dir["druntime/import/*"] cp_r ["phobos/std", "phobos/etc"], include/"dlang/dmd" lib.install Dir["druntime/lib/*", "phobos/**/libphobos2.a"] (buildpath/"dmd.conf").write <<~EOS [Environment] DFLAGS=-I#{opt_include}/dlang/dmd -L-L#{opt_lib} EOS etc.install "dmd.conf" end # Previous versions of this formula may have left in place an incorrect # dmd.conf. If it differs from the newly generated one, move it out of place # and warn the user. def install_new_dmd_conf conf = etc/"dmd.conf" # If the new file differs from conf, etc.install drops it here: new_conf = etc/"dmd.conf.default" # Else, we're already using the latest version: return unless new_conf.exist? backup = etc/"dmd.conf.old" opoo "An old dmd.conf was found and will be moved to #{backup}." mv conf, backup mv new_conf, conf end def post_install install_new_dmd_conf end test do system bin/"dmd", pkgshare/"samples/hello.d" system "./hello" end end