class Plan9port < Formula desc "Many Plan 9 programs ported to UNIX-like operating systems" homepage "" url "" sha256 "cbb826cde693abdaa2051c49e7ebf75119bf2a4791fe3b3229f1ac36a408eaeb" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "eb56faa4c63a522e34ba609fc0d4eb5af9b22715c0915629776129eb64d8625f" => :el_capitan sha256 "86fd2ed15a0fe79927c04a064222f88455bfc0e72bc1f97576e2962b11a70cc8" => :yosemite sha256 "ef0059997655128f6b41faa1023b37a071ff9976f4c94d3b3bd706be65177aa1" => :mavericks end depends_on :x11 => :optional def install ENV["PLAN9_TARGET"] = libexec if build.with? "x11" # Make OS X system fonts available to Plan 9"LOCAL.config", "a") do |f| f.puts "FONTSRV=fontsrv" end end system "./INSTALL" libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install_symlink "#{libexec}/bin/9" prefix.install Dir["#{libexec}/mac/*.app"] end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent In order not to collide with OSX system binaries, the Plan 9 binaries have been installed to #{libexec}/bin. To run the Plan 9 version of a command simply call it through the command "9", which has been installed into the Homebrew prefix bin. For example, to run Plan 9's ls run: # 9 ls EOS end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<-EOS.undent #include #include #include int main(void) { return printf("Hello World\\n"); } EOS system "#{bin}/9", "9c", "test.c" system "#{bin}/9", "9l", "-o", "test", "test.o" assert_equal "Hello World\n", `./test` end end