class Amap < Formula desc "Perform application protocol detection" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "a75ea58de75034de6b10b0de0065ec88e32f9e9af11c7d69edbffc4da9a5b059" revision 3 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "48480e1e415d4003efdfac48d4f5ae75c2dbfa1d53d9e742ca400cffa04dc231" => :catalina sha256 "ede3ed735b1041b7bb99595ffdbb49e392dbb84065383e32c0e270f8bea22da4" => :mojave sha256 "6266dd3178e2ed39f7a48e6c9fc19fbb073f4e7d71686d5ef3ce0ee660ccb982" => :high_sierra sha256 "1361e89caf2590146c5872907f90ad67ac9b99d2198320691e9f6df0cfdbe16c" => :sierra end depends_on "openssl@1.1" def install # Last release was 2011 & there's nowhere supported to report this. openssl = Formula["openssl@1.1"] inreplace "configure" do |s| s.gsub! 'SSL_IPATH=""', "SSL_IPATH=\"#{openssl.opt_include}/openssl\"" s.gsub! 'SSL_PATH=""', "SSL_PATH=\"#{openssl.opt_lib}\"" s.gsub! 'CRYPTO_PATH=""', "CRYPTO_PATH=\"#{openssl.opt_lib}\"" end system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" # --prefix doesn't work as we want it to so install manually bin.install "amap", "amap6", "amapcrap" etc.install "appdefs.resp", "appdefs.rpc", "appdefs.trig" man1.install "amap.1" end test do openssl_linked = MachO::Tools.dylibs("#{bin}/amap").any? { |d| d.include? Formula["openssl@1.1"].opt_lib.to_s } assert openssl_linked # We can do more than this, but unsure how polite it is to port-scan # someone's domain every time this goes through CI. assert_match version.to_s, shell_output("#{bin}/amap", 255) end end