class Greed < Formula desc "Game of consumption" homepage "" url "" sha256 "702bc0314ddedb2ba17d4b55d873384a1606886e8d69f35ce67f6e3024a8d3fd" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation rebuild 1 sha256 "64d0028754d683a8bbe1de0bb1a7319dcf6d8020c6d3624e58df5b5be3bf4e42" => :catalina sha256 "9cba951e4fd73d29a1e4899a4f2a7d5f0158f6f5b6d02bb75837c7296530e65c" => :mojave sha256 "9685dcc52ad08b19964cfb61f4fd0d9e28ec0d42cde2f112da4e9be1e1d15b5b" => :high_sierra end def install # Handle hard-coded destination inreplace "Makefile", "/usr/share/man/man6", man6 # Make doesn't make directories bin.mkpath man6.mkpath (var/"greed").mkpath # High scores will be stored in var/greed system "make", "SFILE=#{var}/greed/greed.hs" system "make", "install", "BIN=#{bin}" end def caveats; <<~EOS High scores will be stored in the following location: #{var}/greed/greed.hs EOS end test do assert_predicate bin/"greed", :executable? end end