# Note that odd release numbers indicate unstable releases. # Please only submit PRs for [x.x.even] version numbers: # https://github.com/djcb/mu/commit/23f4a64bdcdee3f9956a39b9a5a4fd0c5c2370ba class Mu < Formula desc "Tool for searching e-mail messages stored in the maildir-format" homepage "https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/" url "https://github.com/djcb/mu/releases/download/1.2/mu-1.2.0.tar.xz" sha256 "f634c7f244dc6844ff71dc3c3e1893e48e193caa9e0e747eba616309775f053a" revision 1 bottle do cellar :any sha256 "c2b2f55ab9d1743afcece35be56a8dece9dbc8a970c19fdd15c36da2c5581dc9" => :catalina sha256 "a8c766c5cfa0951ea3a683ddac460e2c66daa231fb586c2b73f91ddabccdb798" => :mojave sha256 "b005381a23edee1bd9a7f02d5dae3cf4bb4e3bdfb494c17e0b44a817af40dd3a" => :high_sierra sha256 "3cdc7db8c5adafc23cdce44aa0592afe203d770d4c1e226a5bf9e6243b9ed3ff" => :sierra end head do url "https://github.com/djcb/mu.git" depends_on "autoconf-archive" => :build end depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "emacs" => :build depends_on "libgpg-error" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "gettext" depends_on "glib" depends_on "gmime" depends_on "xapian" def install system "autoreconf", "-ivf" system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--with-lispdir=#{elisp}" system "make" system "make", "install" end def caveats; <<~EOS Existing mu users are recommended to run the following after upgrading: mu index --rebuild EOS end # Regression test for: # https://github.com/djcb/mu/issues/397 # https://github.com/djcb/mu/issues/380 # https://github.com/djcb/mu/issues/332 test do mkdir (testpath/"cur") (testpath/"cur/1234567890.11111_1.host1!2,S").write <<~EOS From: "Road Runner" To: "Wile E. Coyote" Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 11:40:49 +0200 Message-id: <1111111111@example.com> Beep beep! EOS (testpath/"cur/0987654321.22222_2.host2!2,S").write <<~EOS From: "Wile E. Coyote" To: "Road Runner" Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 12:40:49 +0200 Message-id: <2222222222@example.com> References: <1111111111@example.com> This used to happen outdoors. It was more fun then. EOS system "#{bin}/mu", "index", "--muhome", testpath, "--maildir=#{testpath}" mu_find = "#{bin}/mu find --muhome #{testpath} " find_message = "#{mu_find} msgid:2222222222@example.com" find_message_and_related = "#{mu_find} --include-related msgid:2222222222@example.com" assert_equal 1, shell_output(find_message).lines.count assert_equal 2, shell_output(find_message_and_related).lines.count, "You tripped over https://github.com/djcb/mu/issues/380\n\t--related doesn't work. Everything else should" end end