class GnupgAT21 < Formula desc "GNU Privacy Guard: a free PGP replacement" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "46cced1f5641ce29cc28250f52fadf6e417e649b3bfdec49a5a0d0b22a639bf0" bottle do sha256 "ee987dda5cb9a4d128da093096460c0e4d728a27d03cd68e950f50f3619fa84f" => :sierra sha256 "0acf9dab68b75ffb1fba25aa077dbda6b9b89b1441b8fef8f97a95d41005bce6" => :el_capitan sha256 "b6ef2a5a322fa40ac7dd4fbf362ab0b55e635d127207e0ec40f9ea2a0eb96bb4" => :yosemite end keg_only :versioned_formula option "with-gpgsplit", "Additionally install the gpgsplit utility" option "without-libusb", "Disable the internal CCID driver" deprecated_option "without-libusb-compat" => "without-libusb" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "sqlite" => :build if MacOS.version == :mavericks depends_on "npth" depends_on "gnutls" depends_on "libgpg-error" depends_on "libgcrypt" depends_on "libksba" depends_on "libassuan" depends_on "pinentry" depends_on "gettext" depends_on "adns" depends_on "libusb" => :recommended depends_on "readline" => :optional depends_on "homebrew/fuse/encfs" => :optional # ssh-import.scm fails during "make check" for sandboxed builds # Reported 1 Mar 2017 patch :DATA def install args = %W[ --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-silent-rules --prefix=#{prefix} --sbindir=#{bin} --sysconfdir=#{etc} --enable-symcryptrun --with-pinentry-pgm=#{Formula["pinentry"].opt_bin}/pinentry ] args << "--disable-ccid-driver" if build.without? "libusb" args << "--with-readline=#{Formula["readline"].opt_prefix}" if build.with? "readline" # Adjust package name to fit our scheme of packaging both gnupg 1.x and # and 2.1.x and gpg-agent separately. inreplace "configure" do |s| s.gsub! "PACKAGE_NAME='gnupg'", "PACKAGE_NAME='gnupg2'" s.gsub! "PACKAGE_TARNAME='gnupg'", "PACKAGE_TARNAME='gnupg2'" end system "./configure", *args system "make", "install" # "make check" cannot run before "make install" # Reported 1 Mar 2017 system "make", "check" bin.install "tools/gpgsplit" => "gpgsplit2" if build.with? "gpgsplit" # Move man files that conflict with 1.x. mv share/"doc/gnupg2/FAQ", share/"doc/gnupg2/FAQ21" mv share/"doc/gnupg2/examples/gpgconf.conf", share/"doc/gnupg2/examples/gpgconf21.conf" mv share/"info/", share/"info/" mv man7/"gnupg.7", man7/"gnupg21.7" end def post_install (var/"run").mkpath end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Once you run the new gpg2 binary you will find it incredibly difficult to go back to using `gnupg2` from Homebrew/Homebrew. The new 2.1.x moves to a new keychain format that can't be and won't be understood by the 2.0.x branch or lower. If you use this `gnupg21` formula for a while and decide you don't like it, you will lose the keys you've imported since. For this reason, we strongly advise that you make a backup of your `~/.gnupg` directory. For full details of the changes, please visit: If you are upgrading to gnupg21 from gnupg2 you should execute: `killall gpg-agent && gpg-agent --daemon` After install. See: EOS end test do system bin/"gpgconf" end end __END__ diff --git a/tests/openpgp/gpg-agent.conf.tmpl b/tests/openpgp/gpg-agent.conf.tmpl index 355915015..4340a0498 100644 --- a/tests/openpgp/gpg-agent.conf.tmpl +++ b/tests/openpgp/gpg-agent.conf.tmpl @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ allow-preset-passphrase no-grab enable-ssh-support +disable-scdaemon