require 'formula' class ErlangManuals "OTP_R14B01" version 'R14B01' homepage '' head "git://", :branch => "dev" # We can't strip the beam executables or any plugins, there isn't really # anything else worth stripping and it takes a really, long time to run # `file` over everything in lib because there is almost 4000 files (and # really erlang guys! what's with that?! Most of them should be in share/erlang!) # may as well skip bin too, everything is just shell scripts skip_clean ['lib', 'bin'] def options [ ['--disable-hipe', "Disable building hipe; fails on various OS X systems."], ['--time', '"brew test --time" to include a time-consuming test.'] ] end def install ENV.deparallelize fails_with_llvm "See", :build => 2326 # If building from GitHub, this step is required (but not for tarball downloads.) system "./otp_build autoconf" if File.exist? "otp_build" args = ["--disable-debug", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-kernel-poll", "--enable-threads", "--enable-dynamic-ssl-lib", "--enable-smp-support"] unless ARGV.include? '--disable-hipe' # HIPE doesn't strike me as that reliable on OS X # # args << '--enable-hipe' end args << "--enable-darwin-64bit" if snow_leopard_64? system "./configure", *args system "touch lib/wx/SKIP" if MACOS_VERSION >= 10.6 system "make" system "make install" manuals = ARGV.build_head? ? ErlangHeadManuals : ErlangManuals { man.install Dir['man/*'] } end def test `erl -noshell -eval 'crypto:start().' -s init stop` # This test takes some time to run, but per bug #120 should finish in # "less than 20 minutes". It takes a few minutes on a Mac Pro (2009). if ARGV.include? "--time" `dialyzer --build_plt -r #{lib}/erlang/lib/kernel-2.14.1/ebin/` end end end