class C2048 < Formula desc "Console version of 2048" homepage "" url "", :revision => "578a5f314e1ce31b57e645a8c0a2c9d9d5539cde" version "0+20150805" head "" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "e5f553baf87fc7ac9f0fa4471d3e9be29328df167700181d9663f61293436888" => :high_sierra sha256 "d2f33783cf7cd2ac69eaed113d940aca31e02e5863fcdb40e200e3fe9a4d0623" => :sierra sha256 "8f9e75196f87718be0c572f731cecba0c8cd4e8dc35f8b3027392cd6e1c45f5d" => :el_capitan sha256 "c06bde9e58788a1a4f16b6d0ace89be02cf07f86211e0c78af5fdaa7d70a3614" => :yosemite end def install system "make" bin.install "2048" end def caveats; <<~EOS The game supports different color schemes. For the black-to white: 2048 blackwhite For the blue-to-red: 2048 bluered EOS end test do system "#{bin}/2048", "test" end end