class OracleHomeVarRequirement < Requirement fatal true satisfy ENV["ORACLE_HOME"] def message; <<-EOS.undent To use --with-oci you have to set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable. Check Oracle Instant Client documentation for more information. EOS end end class Qt5 < Formula desc "Version 5 of the Qt framework" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "8c6d070613b721452f8cffdea6bddc82ce4f32f96703e3af02abb91a59f1ea25" bottle do sha256 "1d3aee1664b44e912ddd307fc7f1eff25e835452ce44705acaa4162f79006ef7" => :yosemite sha256 "f32d4dde1b09d619e5046b9e5717ab48d7dc6b066b09bbde8d44f74b2ef040fb" => :mavericks sha256 "855e075b522199c52876f44fe2d2a63e4c4b4f9bfd5c6edb0e3dc850fd02ef34" => :mountain_lion end head "", :branch => "5.4", :shallow => false keg_only "Qt 5 conflicts Qt 4 (which is currently much more widely used)." option :universal option "with-docs", "Build documentation" option "with-examples", "Build examples" option "with-developer", "Build and link with developer options" option "with-oci", "Build with Oracle OCI plugin" deprecated_option "developer" => "with-developer" deprecated_option "qtdbus" => "with-d-bus" # Snow Leopard is untested and support has been removed in 5.4 # depends_on :macos => :lion depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "d-bus" => :optional depends_on :mysql => :optional depends_on :xcode => :build # There needs to be an OpenSSL dep here ideally, but qt keeps ignoring it. # Keep nagging upstream for a fix to this problem, and revision when possible. # # # depends_on OracleHomeVarRequirement if build.with? "oci" def install ENV.universal_binary if build.universal? args = ["-prefix", prefix, "-system-zlib", "-qt-libpng", "-qt-libjpeg", "-confirm-license", "-opensource", "-nomake", "tests", "-release"] args << "-nomake" << "examples" if build.without? "examples" args << "-plugin-sql-mysql" if build.with? "mysql" if build.with? "d-bus" dbus_opt = Formula["d-bus"].opt_prefix args << "-I#{dbus_opt}/lib/dbus-1.0/include" args << "-I#{dbus_opt}/include/dbus-1.0" args << "-L#{dbus_opt}/lib" args << "-ldbus-1" args << "-dbus-linked" end if MacOS.prefer_64_bit? || build.universal? args << "-arch" << "x86_64" end if !MacOS.prefer_64_bit? || build.universal? args << "-arch" << "x86" end if build.with? "oci" args << "-I#{ENV["ORACLE_HOME"]}/sdk/include" args << "-L#{ENV["ORACLE_HOME"]}" args << "-plugin-sql-oci" end args << "-developer-build" if build.with? "developer" system "./configure", *args system "make" ENV.j1 system "make", "install" if build.with? "docs" system "make", "docs" system "make", "install_docs" end # Some config scripts will only find Qt in a "Frameworks" folder frameworks.install_symlink Dir["#{lib}/*.framework"] # The pkg-config files installed suggest that headers can be found in the # `include` directory. Make this so by creating symlinks from `include` to # the Frameworks' Headers folders. Pathname.glob("#{lib}/*.framework/Headers") do |path| include.install_symlink path => path.parent.basename(".framework") end # configure saved PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR set up by superenv; remove it # see: inreplace prefix/"mkspecs/qconfig.pri", /\n\n# pkgconfig/, "" inreplace prefix/"mkspecs/qconfig.pri", /\nPKG_CONFIG_.*=.*$/, "" Pathname.glob("#{bin}/*.app") { |app| mv app, prefix } end test do system "#{bin}/qmake", "-project" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent We agreed to the Qt opensource license for you. If this is unacceptable you should uninstall. EOS end end